Wharfedale and Aireborough is an area north of Leeds and Bradford encompassing post-industrial towns, rural communities and tourist hotspots.
Our worshipping congregations within our district, all offering a warm welcome and share a unifying passion to transform lives, share the Gospel and sustain hope.
Our Circuit adopted a proposal that 2025 would be a year of prayer for children and young people, with particular focus on their mental well-being. Each Sunday all churches in our circuit will include a special prayer in their prayer time. The prayers will appear here and on our Facebook page. A team of prayer writers is being recruited to cover all fifty two Sundays. If you would like to be a part of our prayer writing team, please message us via: communications@wandamethodists.org.uk
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Jesus answered them, 'The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.' (v. 23)
Let us praise God,
who summons us to live as people of hope,
who lifts us when our hearts are weary,
and raises our eyes, restoring our vision,
to see a new heaven, a new earth,
which breaks in where we least expect it;
inviting us, beyond imagining,
to involvement in making real God's purposes of justice, righteousness and peace.
Let us praise God,
who leads us beyond death, to life in all its fullness,
not for our sakes, but for the sake of others;
that by God's Spirit we live with courage, compassion and commitment;
so we might be agents of change, sharing the gospel of truth and love,
as we join with God's work in the world.
God of infinite wonder, whose love has no horizon and whose grace has no border, we open ourselves to your presence this day.
God of the minutiae, in whose company 'insignificant' has no meaning, we receive your blessings this day.
Raise our eyes from only that which is in front of us.
Lift our heads, that our vision may be broader and longer.
Sow seeds of passion in our hearts
and lay embers of hope in our lives
that we may never accept the concept of inevitable,
but instead cultivate communities of peace that live a language of possibility.
Wharfedale & Aireborough Methodist Circuit ℅ Menston Methodist Church
Main Street, Menston
LS29 6AH