Wharfedale and Aireborough is an area north of Leeds and Bradford encompassing post-industrial towns, rural communities and tourist hotspots.
Our worshipping congregations within our district, all offering a warm welcome and share a unifying passion to transform lives, share the Gospel and sustain hope.
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Jesus answered them, 'The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.' (v. 23)
Almighty God,
Author and perfector of our lives,
you are God of all creation;
the moon and the stars sing your praises,
the rich and the poor revere you equally,
the joyous and the grief-stricken seek you equally,
the peace-lover and the warmonger look to you for strength for you are God!
You saved the world even before we knew we needed saving.
You provided for our needs even before we were aware of our nakedness.
Your grace amazes us,
your love fulfils us,
your forgiving presence instils hope and our suffering is eased.
Thank you for filling us with your vision.
Thank you for imbuing your wisdom upon us,
Almighty Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Receive our worship, hear our prayer;
for you are God. Amen!
Dear Lord,
We pray for elderly, housebound individuals, who are often very lonely.
We praise and thank you for their carers, who come into their homes and brighten their days by showing tenderness, kindness, and giving much needed practical support.
Make us more sensitive to the needs of both groups and move our hearts and minds to seek ways in which we may become involved.
Increase our awareness of the conditions under which carers do their work; often earning so little for such a valuable contribution and help us seek social justice for them.
Wharfedale & Aireborough Methodist Circuit ℅ Menston Methodist Church
Main Street, Menston
LS29 6AH